
18 Oct 2011

Abandon Yourself in Textiles!

Today at Gleaners Inc.we had a  visit from the upcycled textile queens of Melbourne, Gaye and Melanie.
Gaye dropped off some amazing "Gaye Abandon" homewares, purses and her famous Hottie Jumpers.
Melanie delivered her cutealicious cloth book pictures and refashioned "Textile Allsorts" T-shirts.
Talk about an infusion of colour and texture.
Recycled Jumper placemats, coaster sets, purses and  hottie jumpers.
Amazing table runners backed with old grandpa style tartan dressing gowns .
Handstitched vintage clothbook  pictures.
Funky refashioned T-shirts.


  1. all gorgeous and lovely, especially that hand-stitched book.

  2. Lot's of colour! Looking forward to seeing a pic of some birdies! x

  3. I want to be in melbourne!!!!!! perhaps soon.

