26 Jun 2013

For the Sticky Beaks!

Isn't it always the way. You upload lots of pretty products pics.on Instagram but the photos that turn out to be  most popular are the Gleaners Inc. shots. I guess people love to have a sticky beak in places that they may not be able to see in real life.
I'll say it again, we are lucky to have such lovely natural light here!
And our Stairway to Nowhere is a cool feature.
More pretty light in our frock corner.

8 Jun 2013

Winter Warmth

Everyone is keeping warm at Gleaners Inc. now the chilly weather is upon us. We have woolly knits galore, cute and cosy scarves, and hand knitted beanies and mittens. There's Babs rockin' an authentic 80's jumper in cool geometrics.
 We also have a great choice of pretty crocheted pot holders in delicious colours!
Even our furry friend Xavier knows how to keep warm !